Best described as a pile of everything!

Things have been damn busy lately. The launch of RevTXT coming this month and MediaBadger in July (by the way we are looking for beta testers for MediaBadger).

Took a trip up to Moncton yesterday to check out the Third Tuesday gathering. Excellent event, 80+ people, a panel discussion (mind you people+beer=not very attentive to panel) and some damn good networking. It was great meeting Jevon @ StartUpNorth, StartUpIndex and I think a few other businesses/websites. Great guy and very knowledgeable. Also met the guys behind TrustMeSecurity and numerous other companies. Moncton was buzzing and it was all positive!

The event started by Carman and Ben here in Halifax will grow and I can’t wait cause New Brunswick is on the top of their game and doing it right. Somehow Halifax will find its way…. That being said the next Social Media gathering is Thursday June 26, more info at Register and get your ass out, lets network, chat and have a good time. As the folks at the Tech Table used to say “Have fun, Make Money!”.

Back to business proposals, AI and a few other things….

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