The impending collapse of social networks. While it is a harsh assessment, it’s is a reality. With the number of social networks ever increasing and the amount of time people and companies have to participate remaining the same, networks are bound to suffer. If you read new media blogs, news sites etc, they frequently report…
All posts in social media
Keep The Sales Manager Away From Social Media
Sales is, for the most part, an ongoing, time-sensitive measurable. On a daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly basis a CEO is always looking at the sales numbers. Because the purpose of a business is to make a profit. Otherwise you’re a charitable organization. I’ve seen a lot of expectation that because Social Media seems to…
Why CFO’s Should Care About The Web
CFO’s, VP Finance, Comptrollers… they all have a fundamental interest in their company’s online activity which is essentially “how much is it costing and are we making money?” which is the most critical concern. But the answer to those questions isn’t as simple anymore. Fortunately, as complex as the answer is, there are reasons, and…
Do You Value Your Audience Online?
The majority of businesses and organizations view the Web simply as a marketing channel and therefore focus on the two priorities of marketing – get and keep customers. Rightly so. If a business isn’t generating a profit then it’s a charitable organization, not a business. But the Web brings greater value to a business than…
Measuring Social Media: An Approach
There are a lot of Web analytics services out there, from free Google Analytics to paid for, installed-on-server software applications. You can have colourful dashboards and cut the numbers every which way from Sunday. But what about Social Media? There are not really any standards for basic Web analytics beyond the generally accepted Page Views,…